6th June 2024

TP Women Leading the Way in Work-Life Harmony

At Teleperformance in Greece, we recently hosted a transformative event where our TP Women leaders delved into crucial topics surrounding women’s careers and work-life balance. Throughout the event, insightful discussions about the complexities of balancing professional aspirations with personal life.

The event commenced with lively conversations about early career experiences and career trajectories. Attendees gained valuable insights into the significance of setbacks and the common challenges encountered along the journey to success. Our speakers candidly addressed the prevalent challenges women face in their careers, prompting reflection on whether women bear a heavier burden and if expectations are truly equal.

Discover more about TP Women!

Empowering Women: A Key Focus

A standout moment of the event was the spotlight on women supporting other women. Our speakers shared their stories and underscored the importance of female solidarity in navigating the professional landscape. Work-life balance emerged as a recurring theme, prompting attendees to explore their own definitions of harmony between work and personal life.


Navigating Leadership and Equality

The conversation then shifted to leadership, questioning whether leadership is solely defined by work experience. Then, our speakers pointed out the pivotal role of allies in creating inclusive environments where everyone can thrive.


The Power of Mentorship

A key takeaway from the event was the significance of mentorship and support from colleagues and influential figures. Our panelist reflected on the profound impact of mentorship in their careers and the importance of championing gender equality. 

Redefining Success

As the event drew to a close, our speakers shared their perspectives on success, encouraging attendees to redefine their notions of achievement. Through inspiring discussions and shared experiences, the event encapsulated the spirit of TP Women, embodying our commitment to fostering a workplace where everyone can thrive.


We look forward to continuing our journey with TP Women, leading the way towards a more inclusive future for all!