Aegean Rebeath Teleperformance

Posidonia Oceanica: "Do Not Disturb"

Welcome to the Posidonia Oceanica “Do Not Disturb” pilot initiative, an urgent SOS message from the sea highlighting the richness and threats to its seabed. Posidonia Oceanica, often called “seaweed,” forms vital underwater meadows in the Mediterranean Sea, safeguarding the seabed like an invaluable lung.

Why Protect Posidonia Meadows?

Posidonia meadows are treasures of the underwater world, crucial for marine ecosystems and human well-being. By understanding and sharing accurate information, we can take meaningful steps to preserve this vital ecosystem.

Water Alliance: Protecting Posidonia Meadows

As part of its corporate responsibility strategy, Teleperformance Greece is actively implementing purposeful environmental initiatives through the Citizen of the Planet (COTP) program, which focuses on promoting sustainable development.

One such initiative is its partnership with Aegean Rebreath to form the dynamic Water Alliance, attuned to critical ecological matters. Aegean Rebreath, dedicated to safeguarding and enhancing the marine environment, seeks to transform attitudes at local and national levels.

Teleperformance contributes to reducing environmental impact, protecting biodiversity, and promoting energy conservation. The collaboration aims to introduce, communicate, educate, and ultimately inspire key audiences to protect the underwater haven of Posidonia meadows.

Aegean Rebreath’s core principles encompass environmental democracy, intergenerational equity, and individual responsibility, recognizing the marine environment as a shared resource that must be protected and preserved for current and future generations. This collaboration fosters partnerships among local communities, civil society, and authorities to conserve marine environments.

Teleperformance CSR Initiative Do not Disturb with Aegean Rebreath

Human Impact on Posidonia Meadows

Human activities, particularly recreational boating, have a detrimental impact on the environment, posing a threat to Posidonia meadows.

Uncontrolled anchoring is a primary cause of extensive degradation in meadows along the Mediterranean coast. Regulating boat anchoring and deploying environmentally friendly moorings can significantly help in preserving this marine wealth.

Aegean Rebreath Teleperformance

Action Plan: Protecting Posidonia Meadows

Posidonia meadows are designated as critical priority habitats within the European Institutional Framework. Their significance lies in sustaining marine ecosystems and enhancing human well-being by preserving water quality and protecting shorelines.

The proposed action plan encompasses a comprehensive array of actions designed to preserve and underscore the ecological importance of Posidonia meadows.

Aegean Rebreath will spearhead the efforts, guided by scientific expertise from the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR), aiming to establish optimal practices within the Blue Municipalities Network.
The action plan will be piloted in a heavily affected area, with active involvement from local authorities, central administration, fishing communities, and HCMR in this crucial ecological initiative.

Underwater initiative of Teleperformance with Aegean Rebreath

Key Components of the Action Plan Include:

Aegean Rebreath Teleperformance Greece Action Plan

Aegean Rebreath News