13th March 2024

Unveiling the Potential: The Journey of “NGO Pioneers in AI”

In a world increasingly shaped by technology, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into various sectors has become not just a trend, but a necessity. Recognizing the potential of AI to drive positive change, we at Teleperformance in Greece joined forces with SciFY to embark on a transformative journey with the project “NGO Pioneers in AI.

At the heart of the project lies our commitment to empower civil society actors with the tools and knowledge needed to harness the potential of AI. Through workshops meticulously crafted and executed by SciFY, we equipped 10 passionate NGOs with foundational understanding and practical skills in AI.

Discover more about our collaboration with SciFY here!

The Convergence of Minds: Workshops on AI for Social Good

The culmination of this endeavor took place on March 12th at Innovathens, where Teleperformance, SciFY and other NGOs, gathered to celebrate the strides made in merging AI with social impact initiatives.

Εxperts in the field, shared their thoughts on the importance of leveraging AI for social good. The day concluded with networking, where attendees had the chance to discuss their ideas and collaborate on future projects.

Stories of Transformation: Sharing Learnings from the Programme

Participants who underwent the training shared their learnings with the audience, offering glimpses into how AI can be harnessed to amplify the impact of their respective organizations. Their stories underscored the transformative potential of AI, showcasing how technology, when wielded with purpose and intentionality, can be a catalyst for social change.

Unlocking Opportunities: Panel Discussions on AI in the NGO Sector

Moreover, the event facilitated dynamic dialogue and exchange among NGOs, sparking discussions and exploring the diverse opportunities AI offers to advance their missions. From enhancing operational efficiency to unlocking new avenues for advocacy and service delivery, the panel discussions delved into the limitless possibilities AI offers to drive innovation within the nonprofit sector.

Embracing the future

The impact of this project extends far beyond the event’s confines. It serves as a springboard for continued collaboration, learning, and exploration at the intersection of AI and social impact. Together, we embark on a journey fueled by innovation, empathy, and a shared commitment to creating a more inclusive world.

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